
Xlsx2Ws reads xlsx files and creates JD+ workspaces. To do so there are some conventions to follow. The first row has to contain the headers of information.

Header Description
multidoc Name of the multidocument
saitem Name of the saitem (mandatory and unique)
providername Name of the provider e.g. EXCEL
specificationname Name of the specification e.g. X13

To specify additional information add headers starting with “p[rov]_“(provider), “s[pec]_“(specification) or “m[eta]_“(metadata). More detailed information on implemented headers can be found in the navigation on the left. Everything not specified is not implemented at the moment e.g. TRAMO/SEATS.

The name of the saitem in the workspace has to be given manually by the user or with a plug-in.

To use the features go to File and choose from these actions:

Name Description
Create new Workspace from Xlsx file Creates a new workspace from a xlsx file. The information providername and specificationname are mandatory for this action!
Import from Xlsx file Import the information from a xlsx file to the current workspace, overriding existing items if necessary
Export to Xlsx file Opens a dialog to export the current workspace to xlsx