Additional Information

Supported date formats

Format Example
YYYY[.MM[.DD]] 1989 → 01.01.1989
1989.03 → 01.03.1989
1989.03.15 → 15.03.1989
Excel date value 1 → 01.01.1900
43890 → 29.02.2020


JDemetra+ Excel
All default/don't specify any span
None _start or _end filled with "X"
From just _start
Between _start and _end
To just _end
First just _first
Last just _last
Excluding _first and _last

Regressor syntax

Variables.Name[*Regressortype] e.g. Weather.iceDays*c for the regressor iceDays in variables “weather” as userdefined calendar or Vars-1.x_1*t for the regressor “x_1” in variables “Vars-1” as trend regressor.

Syntaxpart Example
Variables Vars-1
Name x_1
Regressortype c - UserdefinedCalendar
i - Irregular
t - Trend
y - Series
s - Seasonal
sa - SeasonallyAdjusted
u - Undefined

Parameter syntax

Value[*Parametertype] e.g. 0.5*f for a 0.5 fixed valued parameter
If an unknown or no parameter type is specified the parameter will be fixed.

Syntaxpart Example
Value 0.5
Parameter type i - Initial
u - Undefined
f - Fixed