
Creating HTML output

A summary of the quality measures can be saved in an HTML report. The following ways are possible:

Selection of SA-items Select SA-item(s), right mouse click and select “Create HTMLs”
Selection of Multidocuments $\text{Tools} \rhd \text{Create HTML for selected multi-documents}$
All Multidocuments $\text{Tools} \rhd \text{Create HTML for all multi-documents}$

Moreover a tabular summary of all recommendations can be saved in an HTML report:

All Multidocuments: Recommendations $\text{Tools} \rhd \text{Create compRes Recommendations}$

The folder in which the reports are saved can be specified by the user. The name of the HTML report is identical to the workspace or the SA-item name depending on the chosen output option. Should an HTML report with the same name already exist, the report will be numbered consecutively.


Under $\text{Tools} \rhd \text{Options} \rhd \text{Demetra} \rhd \text{CompResReport}$ you can find several options to customise your report:

Auto correlation zoom Describes the maximum value for the auto correlation graph. The graph will be between 0 and this value.
Decimal places in tables The number of digits printed in the html report.
Tables timespan Timespan of tables in the report in years
Graphics timespan Timespan of graphics in the report in years
Html count Either choose to create one or several html files for the items.
Report style A more detailed description of each style can be found on their individual pages.